Here is a guide for our homing process. If you have any questions we haven’t discussed in our website, pls feel comfortable to give us a call, there is no better than talking to us directly so we learn more about each other to make homing and adoption a more personal, happy and exciting process.

Check our Bengal Kittens OR Available Bengal Kittens.   If there is a kitten you’d like to enquire or Reserve, Message Us using the form below with your WhatsApp number and email so we can send you more pics, videos and more details.

Alternatively, get in touch with us in any of your preferred ways below:

Call Us: +441758750292

Email Us: contact@bengalheritagecats.co.uk

To plan ahead and avoid disappointments, you might want to be listed with us. Our listing is exclusively for genuine and sincere future owners of a Bengalheritage Raised Kittens specific to your preference like Bengal Pair Companion Buddies to go together, specific colour and sex. You will also have the opportunity to see our upcoming litters if you are wanting to have the pick of the litter after we have chosen our keeper kitten/s.

We will limit our listing to a maximum of 10 per type and combinations you have ticked in our form. We will require a security deposit of £250.00 to guarantee a place pending Deposit Contract so we can plan our breeding for the next season. Waiting time ranges from 1-4months depending on your preferences. We will have 3-4 sets of litter per year.

If you do not wish to place a secured deposit but would like to receive email updates on our available kittens pls tick Standard Waiting List in our form below OR go to our AVAILABLE BENGAL KITTENS



These are the Terms and Conditions of Sales Agreement including Reservation Deposit of our Bengal Kitten. This will be emailed and discussed in detail throughout our communications before buying your Bengal Cat/Kitten where The Purchaser and The Breeder’s Responsibilities and Obligations will be stated and agreed. And above all, an agreement to Protect and Care for your Bengal Kitten following The Code of Practice for the Welfare of cats set by Animal Welfare Act of 2006.

A detailed Individual Care Sheet will also be emailed and discussed for smooth transition and help your kitten settle in their new home environment.


A Healthy & Happy New Bengal Kitten Addition to you and your family is priceless! However, our kittens are Priced individually depending on the Quality of Coat, Pattern, Rarity of Colour and overall Breed Standards. We Evaluate and Classify each Kitten based on these guidelines. We will reply to your email application with individual Pricing and costing of Pet Courier Transport should this service need arise.

Below are all inclusions in the Pricing and what to expect from our Bengal Kittens.

✅A Vet Checked Bengal.

Your Bengal Kitten will be Health Checked twice at age 9 & 12 weeks and a 3rd Health check, if necessary, post Spay/Castration. A Full Veterinary Record of your kitten will be provided by our Official Vet and this will be emailed to you before Full Payment/Collection/Delivery.

✅A Vaccinated Bengal.

Your Bengal Kitten will be Fully Vaccinated. First & Second Injections at 9 & 12 weeks old respectively shortly following their Full Health Check. Your kitten will be protected for the active immunisation against:

Feline Panleucopaenia Virus (FPLV)
Feline Herpes Virus (FHV) and
Feline Calicivirus (FCV)
Vaccination with these 3 will reduce clinical signs caused by infection with FHV and FCV; reduce replication of FCV and prevent shedding of FPLV.

Feline Leukaemia Virus Vaccine will also be given.

The Next Vaccination of your Bengal will be a year after last jab with us. Pls use the same Brand, see vaccination record.


✅A Treated Bengal against Parasites.

An Ounce of Prevention is more than a Pound of Cure!

Your Bengal will receive 3 types of preventative parasitic treatment protocols.

Fenbendazole starting from 5-6 weeks old with Panacur Granules for 5 days for the treatment of protozoan Giardia, immature and mature stages of nematodes and cestodes of the gastro-intestinal and respiratory tracts.

Praziquatel and Milbemycin at 9 weeks old with Milbemax or MILPRO which is a broad-spectrum worm control, treats and controls all major intestinal worms found in cats and dogs, including roundworm, hookworm, whipworm and tapeworm, including hydatids and prevention of heartworm.

Moxidectin & Imidaclopid at 12 weeks old with Moxiclear for treatment and prevention of fleas including larval stages in the surroundings, treatment and control of ear mites, treatment and control of roundworms, lungworms and hookworms and the prevention of heartworm.


✅ A Spayed/Castrated/Neutered/Sterilised Bengal.

As a Responsible Breeder; following recommendations of our Veterinarian experts, International Cat Organisations and Governing Bodies; ALL our Kittens are Spayed/Castrated/Neutered/Sterilised. We practise Early Spay Neutering (ESN) at 12-13 weeks old. We,(Our Vet Team & Bengalheritage Cats) will take full responsibility of this major operation as an extended Duty of Care for our kittens. Kittens will stay in our care until fully recovered post-operatively, by the time they are fit to travel, they would have had full immunity with strong anti-bodies from their jabs they had 2-3 weeks prior to homing.

Currently, we DO NOT home entire and Intact kittens in the UK, unless it’s a Collaborative Breeding Program for the development of the breed. Which means we will work alongside each other for many years to achieve both our breeding goals following our Code of Ethics in Breeding and the Legal Requirements in the UK like the Breeding Licence and Registrations. If this is your genuine and sincere intentions, pls give us ring to discuss further.

If you are a Bengal Cat Breeder abroad, pls refer to I AM AN INTERNATIONAL BUYER for more info.

If you are a UK Buyer with the intention to own a kitten and “we’ll only breed once for family and friends”, em afraid we are not the breeders you are looking for. This is a famous line of the next generation of backyard breeders which our UK Government is tackling at the moment which we do not wish to be a part off.


✅A Microchipped Bengal.

Bengalheritage Cats is a Trained Certified Microchip Implanter. As a Responsible & Ethical Breeder and the First recorded keeper, ALL our Bengal Cats and Kittens we home are microchipped. This is the only Official ID number who will accurately identify your cat in reuniting in case of lost and missing or disputes. Your Bengal will be Registered with Trace Petlog or SmartTrace Database and we will Transfer the Details of New Ownership to you. You will shortly then after receive a confirmation email from the Data Base for further instructions.


✅A Vaccination Card and Full Medical History. Vaccination Card and Full Medical Vet History Record of your kitten will be provided by our Official Vet for transparency of Excellent Health of your kitten, verified Microchip Number and this will be emailed to you before Full Payment/Collection/Delivery.

Vaccination Card will contain signed & stamped vaccination card by our vets. We also note here the Date/Brand of the Preventative Parasitic Control Measure we have given your Bengal.

Medical History will have all the Veterinarian’s Medical Notes, treatment, recorded weights and other clinical observations. You will need this Vet Record as a proof of Good Health, for Registration to your new vet and for future Insurance Purposes if needed


✅An Insured Bengal.

As an extension of support, we will activate an Insurance Policy for your Bengal with Petplan for 4 weeks so you can take a back seat and enjoy a wide range of benefits for your ‘four legged Bengal friend’ in his tender age.

Your Bengal is covered with the following:

Up to £4,000 veterinary fees for illness and injury
Up to £750 for loss by theft or straying
Up to £750 for death from illness or injury
Up to £200 for advertising and reward if the kitten is lost or stolen

✅A TICA Registered Bengal.

All our Breeding Bengal Cats are registered with The International Cat Association (TICA) and all our Bengal Kittens are full Pedigree of the Breed. You will be provided with

TICA Litter Registration Certificate showing your Bengal Kitten’s Date of Birth, Parents Name etc.
TICA Breeder Slip/Registration Certificate
The other way is:

We will Require you to Create an Account with TICA Feline Management System (TICA TFMS), so you have an access with Kitten Registration/Certificates/Pedigree/Show Status etc available for print out when you LOG IN https://tfms.tica.org/s/login/SelfRegister

After you have successfully Created an Account, pls Email us Your TICA CLIENT ID so we can start processing the transfer of ownership via TICA.


✅A Sales Agreement Contract.

These are the Terms and Conditions of Sales Agreement including Reservation Deposit of our Bengal Kitten. This will be emailed and discussed in detail throughout our communications before buying your Bengal Cat/Kitten where The Purchaser and The Breeder’s Responsibilities and Obligations will be stated and agreed. And above all, an agreement to Protect and Care for your Bengal Kitten following The Code of Practice for the Welfare of cats set by Animal Welfare Act of 2006.


✅Support and Advice when needed.

You will be an Extension of our Bengalheritage Cat Family and we are only a phone call away if you need any advice in the future.


✅Cat Carrier, Blanket & Cat Teaser Toy

Your Kitten will go with an Adult Size Cat Carrier, a blanket with scent of the litter to help in settling in the new home and a favourite toy normally a feather cat teaser with familiar bell sound.


✅A Healthy Happy Very Well Socialised Bengal.

Above all, you will be owning a Bengalheritage Raised Kitten- Raised and Nurtured in our home with lots of cuddles and play to prepare them in their next exciting stage of life. Congratulations to you and your new addition!


Read Feedback Reviews from Bengalheritage Cat Owners


Yes of course! You are very much Welcome! Pre-arranged and Scheduled Viewing of our Bengal Cats and Kittens are very much Welcome if you are interested to secure a deposit in the kitten/s we have shown you via WhatsApp/Videos call.

However, if you wish to have a Bengal Cat Experience and not ready to own a Bengal just yet, you might want to stay into our on-site Bengalheritage Cat View Guest Lodge, an independent Annex to our House for an overnight stay. We will then bring our cats/kittens to you for an afternoon or evening play activity where you can see them in action.

Pls give us a call for more information at +441758750292 for a memorable Bengal Cat Experience which will start in December 2022.

You have the option to either collect your kitten or use our Bengalheritage Pet Courier Service. Collection Date shall be set when Signed Pet Contract is agreed and sent back to us.

Since we are situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)- Llyn Peninsula, most of our Pet Owners stay in the area for few days break and then travel back with their kitten!

If this is your plan, you might want to Stay in our on-site Bengalheritage Cat View Guest Lodge, an independent Annex to our House for a few days break or an overnight stay. Pls give us a call for more information at +441758750292

If circumstances arise and Collection is NOT possible, we can offer you our Bengalheritage Pet Courier Service for a safe & worry-free transport of your Bengal Kitten and we can send you a quotation and Book you in our next available Pet Transport schedule.