Small wild cat species, from 5-15lbs living in Asia from the Amur region south to Indonesia, from Philippines west
to Pakistan

Bengal Heritage - The Asian Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)
- Small wild cat species, from 5-15 lbs. living in Asia from the Amur region south to Indonesia, from Philippines west to Pakistan.
- Highly adaptable feline, living in tropical to temperate climates
- Noted and named for the striking, high contrast spotted coat of most subspecies that makes the cat resemble a smaller version of the Leopard (Panthera pardus)
- One subspecies is endangered though, this feline is among the most common of all Asian wild cats The Asian Leopard Cat is noted for being shy, easily frightened and retiring though it frequently lives near human settlements
Asian Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) Variation
In 2016 all of these cats are considered the single species Asian Leopard Cats, Prionailurus bengalensis and represent distinct, often geographically distinctive subspecies. However, taxonomists (scientists specializing in classifying species), geneticists and zoologist continue to debate this fact. As recently as 2000 they were classified as four (4) distinctive species - The Asian Leopard Cat, Amur Leopard Cat, Tsushima Cat and Irimote Cat.
Recent genetic studies by Texas A & M has revealed:
•Southern Leopard Cat is more related and has had species introgression with Fishing Cats.
•Leopard Cats on the Indonesia Isles are more distinct genetically than other Leopard Cats
•The Tsushima, Irimote and Amur Leopard Cats are more closely related to one another than to other Asian Leopard Cats