Cats need fresh clean drinking water at all times.

Cats need fresh clean drinking water at all times. Without water to drink a cat will become distressed and seriously ill.
Cats need a well-balanced diet to stay fit and healthy, and they all need foodstuffs that can only be derived from meat-based products. Individual dietary needs depend
on many factors including age, activity and state of health. Some cats have special dietary needs – for example, pregnant and nursing cats, young growing cats, old cats and cats that are ill. Cats generally prefer to eat several small meals each day. How much food a cat needs depends on their age, the type of
food, bodyweight and level of activity.If a cat eats more food than they need, they will become overweight, suffer and this could cause health problems and suffering. If you underfeed your cat, they will lose weight and may become ill. Healthy adult cats should maintain a stable body weight that is neither too thin nor too fat. Your vet can advise on the
correct weight for your cat. Many cats will not eat if their food is placed too close to their toilet site or something they are frightened of.
What you should do:
• Provide your cat with fresh clean drinking water at all times, preferably located away from their food source.
• Make sure your cat eats a balanced diet suitable for their individual needs.
• If you are uncertain of the diet your cat needs, take advice from your vet or other suitably qualified cat care specialist.
• Read, and be guided by, the feeding instructions relating to any cat foods you buy. Adjust how much you feed your cat to make sure they do not becomeunderweight or overweight.
• Feed your cat every day, and allow access to food several times a day, preferably splitting the daily ration into several small meals throughout the day, unless advised otherwise by your vet.
• Position your cat’s food and water well away from the litter tray, or things that they find frightening.
• Any changes to your cat’s diet should be made gradually.
• Be aware that any change in the amount your cat eats or drinks may be a sign of physical health or stress. If your cat’s eating or drinking habits changes consult your vet.