Domestic Cats of many breeds were used as outcrosses throughout the breed's history for temperament and special attributes.

Bengal Cat Heritage - Domestic Cats
Domestic Cats of many breeds were used as outcrosses throughout the breed's history for temperament and special attributes.
1. Indian Mau (Millwood Tory of Delhi) - glitter, green eyes and bloodline
2. Egyptian Mau- mackeral spotting, silver, "solid" black, green eyes
3. Ocicat - genetic diversity, robust size, dilute colors, classic tabby pattern & lynx point
4. Abyssinian - rufousing, increased ticking
5. Burmese - sepia and mink albino series genes
6. American Shorthair - silver, heavy boning and musculature, increased bull's eye classic & mackeral
7. Domestic Shorthair - good temperament, genetic diversity, long hair, mackeral and classic tabby & ?
- The Bengal Cat is derived from hybrids between the Asian Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) and domestic cats. These cats are considered "Foundation Bengals" and are not eligible showing.
- First generation (or A1S), Second generation domestic backcrosses and third generation domestic backcrosses males are generally sterile and only females may be used in breeding programs.
- Foundation Bengals may require more specialized care
- Bengal Cat refers to SBT (studbook) registered Bengals at least three generations removed from the F1 hybrid