Medium to small, relatively short, with wide base and rounded tops.

HEAD ........................... 35 points
Broad modified wedge with rounded contours. Longer that it is wide.
Head (continued)
Shape .......................... 6 points
Slightly small in proportion to body, but not to be taken to extreme
Head (continued)
Ears ...................................... 6 points
Medium to small, relatively short, with wide base and rounded tops. Set as much on side as top of head, following the contour of the face in the frontal view, and pointing forward in the profile view. Light horizontal furnishings acceptable; but lynx tipping undesirable.
This slide is used with permission from Robyn Paterson's presentation at the 2022 TICA Annual.
How the Forest shaped the Chin?
The Chin is the bottom attachment point of the jaw muscles. Bengal chin muscles are sometimes visible when the chin muscles are relax and drop forward.
HEAD (continued)
Eyes .................................. 5 points
Oval, almost round. Large, but not bugged. Set wide apart, back into face, and on slight bias toward base of ear. Eye color independent of coat color except in the lynx points. the more richness and depth of color the better.
Incorrect are too almond shaped, almost hooded and too small.
HEAD (continued)
Ears.................................... 6 points
Medium to small, relatively short , with wide base and rounded tops. Set as much on side as top of head, following the contour of the face in the frontal view, and pointing forward in the profile view. Light horizontal furnishings acceptable; but lynx tipping undesirable.
Head (continued)
Muzzle ............................................... 3 points
Full and broad, with large, prominent whisker pads and high, pronounced cheekbones. Slight muzzle break at the whisker pads.
Head (continue)
Nose ......................................... 3 points
Large and wide; slightly puffed nosed leather. Incorrect nosed too small in proportion to face & eyes and too narrow.