Bengals revolutionized TICA by being the first breed

2016 Bengal Breed Seminar Handling & Temperament
Bengals revolutionized TICA by being the first breed to include the statement "Temperament must be unchallenging; any sign of definite challenge shall disqualify. The cat may exhibit fear, seek to flee, or generally complain aloud but may not threaten to harm", now included on all TICA standards. Bengal Cat breeders have demonstrated through painstaking selection that confident, relaxed and affectionate natures are inherited and may be increased or diminished through breeding choices.
Enthusiasts and Evaluators of Bengal Cats do justice by the Bengal Cat breed when timid, anxious and unaffectionate cats are removed from the breeding population and not rewarded with titles.
Handling a Bengal Cat requires no specialized training, instruction or demeanor than handling any domestic cat in a given situation. All cats respond to respectful caress, confident movement and minimal restraint.