The first Asian Leopard Cat documented by Western Europeans (Kerr, 1792) was captured swimming in the Bay of Bengal (hence the latin name). That cat was taken back to camp and was bred to Kerr's domestic cat resulting in the first documented hybrids.

2016 Bengal Breed Seminar
A Brief History
The first Asian Leopard Cat documented by Western Europeans (Kerr, 1792) was captured swimming in the Bay of Bengal (hence the Latin name). That cat was taken back to camp and was bred to Kerr's domestic cat resulting in the first documented hybrids 1871 Crystal Palace Cat show featured F1 Asian Leopard Cat X domestic hybrids shown as "Hybrids"
Paul Leyhausen hybridized Leopard Cat X domestic at Germany's Max Plank Instittue 1945-1960. Dr. Leyhausen created F1 X domestic backcross (2nd generation). Leyhausen theorized the Siamese Cat descended from ALC crosses based non-African Wild Cat confirmation and ALC-like behavior and vocalizations Jean Mill was the first to cross a domestic cat with an Asian Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) in the US, 1963. Asian Leopard Cat X Domestic Cat hybrids were shown in CFA and ACFA during the 1970s
Jean Mill's effort was a departure and success because of:
- Emphasis on creating a domestic cat NOT hybrid
- Anti-Pyramid Plans - Encourage Collaboration, Encourage Passion focus, Emphasis on Collective Accomplishment, Di
- Model and Encourage unrestrictive contracts
Bengals show in Championship in TICA, GCCF, FIFE, ACFA, CFA (2017/2018?) as well as Australian & South African Cat Fancy Organizations
The Bengal in TICA
• First Bengal registered with TICA, shortly after TICA's inception in 1982 - An F1 previously shown in ACFA
• 1986 Jean Mill registered 33 "Leopardettes" of her breeding with TICA
• Bengals showed in NBC for five years
• 1991 Brown Spotted Bengals become championship
1993 Marble pattern and Seal Lynx Point, Seal Mink & Seal Sepia colors were granted Championship
#1 in registrations, #1 exhibitions since 1992
• More Bengals registered than all but 5 breeds combined (2016 Board Agenda)
•NO Bengal has EVER been the registry's BEST Cat, Kitten or Alter
•Jean Mill credits TICA as providing the forum for validating the breed's legitimacy internationally.
•TICA took the Bengal to the world
•How can TICA registration, TICA show and TICA Memberships help the Bengal Cat Community breed BETTER Bengals?
What will a Show Quality look like in the future...
based on the selection, finals and accepances now? How can we make the Bengal Cat Better?
Bengals for Fun, Show and More